B2B Use Cases
Why projects should be using Iterify?
The short answer:
Acquisition and engagement.
User/community acquisition is always difficult, especially for the new projects.
You are launching a great tool, yet no one has heard about you yet. You try to make a big bang and spend a huge chunk of the marketing budget on the media and influencers. They are happy to take your money and they even hold their part of the deal - they publish the PR article and the Twitter Thread. You see some impressions but your audience and userbase don't grow as much as you would have expected. You try launching a quest on a questing platforms - they have a huge audience, so you do your best and allocate a huge reward pool for quest participants. And again, you get few thousands people tops, all of them - professional bounty hunters, meaning they are not your target audience and they don't care about your project at all.
Sounds familiar? This is what a lot of projects are dealing with. And this is what Iterify is designed to solve.
Why is it so hard to promote your project in the crypto space?
Information overload. There are too many things going on at the same time and, unless you are are the next EigenLayer, or unless you are backed by Vitalik or Ansem themselves - it will be extremely difficult to get noticed.
Fake influencers. A lot of seemingly popular Youtube and Crypto Twitter influencers are eager to sell promotion packages to any willing buyer. Yet it would bring almost no new followers/users, because the audience is mostly fake. Crypto people are not stupid and have an ability to smell paid shills from afar; they will not listen to their advice.
Short attention span. An average crypto user would be a member of 100+ discord servers and telegram groups, they would see a dozen of new projects every day. Even if you got their initial attention, it might be very difficult to engage and retain them.
Broken GTM services. Questing platforms promise an easy and cheap access to their seemingly massive audiences. However, they rarely work as intended (that is, quickly bring a lot of followers) and, more importantly, their audiences are of extremely low quality. Can it be caused by the fact that the majority of "quests" there consist of very basic and boring tasks, e.g. "follow us on Twitter and retweet the pinned posts"; have humiliatingly low rewards, e.g. "win up to $5"; ask for a lot of private data from the users, e.g. "connect your Telegram, Discord, Twitter and your wallet to our platform"? Long story short, high quality users are hard to find there; and, since solutions for discovery are non-existent on these platforms, even the low quality users will not come in abundance.
What solution do we offer?
Interesting and challenging activities. We put an emphasis on making our content entertaining - because we understand, how difficult it is to incentivize people paying attention nowadays. At the same time, our puzzles are also challenging - thus we ensure interest from sophisticated users, which favor challenges and that can be helpful to the project communities.
Cultivating an intelligent community. It's not enough to promote your project to just any audience, it has to be the people who can truly understand the importance of what you are doing. Furthermore, in crypto, smart often equals successful. You will have an easier time finding great contributors, investors and maybe even team members in an intelligent community.
No information overload. Unlike many questing solutions, we do not intend to infinitely scale and have hundreds of campaigns running simultaneously. We would rather limit ourselves to a small number of activities available at the given time and have the full attention of our community to each of them.
Use cases for Iterify
Quickly expose your project to Iterify community as a part of your Go-To-Market campaign
Engage/reward your existing community with Iterify puzzles and activities we can create and run for you
Use Iterify puzzles as a selection process for exclusive events (e.g. whitelist sale or closed test). We can create full-scale trials catered to your needs!
Unlike bounty platforms, we do not offer self-service. You don't have to create and manage tasks and quests, we will create everything for you.
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